Semgrep vs. Snyk

Snyk helps you fix individual vulnerabilities - over and over again. Semgrep helps you find and fix all instances of a vulnerability type, and prevent that class of vulnerabilities from entering your codebase again.

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Why choose Semgrep?

No risk of overwhelming developers:

Unlike Snyk, Semgrep gives you granular control over which issues are surfaced to developers and how they are surfaced. This lets AppSec teams shift left at their own pace, without risking their reputations.

Eliminate vulnerability types, not individual bugs:

Semgrep works at the rule-level, making bulk triage simple. Snyk only shows you individual SAST findings, meaning teams must manually review results and can't see how a vulnerability was detected.

Ease of customization:

Semgrep policies can be tailored to your existing workflows, and rules customized to your specific codebase. Snyk's lack of customization forces teams to adopt new processes that block developers.

Rule and Workflow Diagram


Why this matters

Languages supported



Comprehensive language support reduces the number of tools security teams and developers need to use and integrate into their workflows.

Rule visibility and management

Rule-level orchestration lets teams bulk triage findings based on rule accuracy and confidence, and drive lasting improvements to noise and false positive rates.

Snyk users can't see, manage, or optimize underlying rules and are only shown individual findings.

Rule policies and behaviors

Granular controls over which findings are surfaced to developers and where they are surfaced is critical to shift left without adding friction.

Semgrep let's you present findings to developers via PR comments, Jira tickets, or even block PRs from merging - all from a single, easy to use interface in our cloud platform.

Ease of remediation for developers

Snyk and Semgrep both highlight the relevant code and dataflow information for a finding.

Snyk provides static remediation advice via knowledge base article, with example code / fixes. Snyk requires developers to context-switch in order to see this information.

Semgrep provides generalized vulnerability information as well, but also offers remediation advice specific to the developer's code via Semgrep Assistant. Everything is presented within the developer workflow (PR, Jira ticket, etc).

PR comments

PR comments allow security issues to be presented to developers within their pull requests - with the relevant code, context, and explainability presented alongside.

AI assisted triage and remediation

Semgrep Assistant uses GPT-4 to help prioritize issues, identify false positives, and recommend fixes for true positives. Assistant always provides the context needed for developers and security engineers to quickly verify and understand any generated suggestions.

Scan Speed

<5 minutes

comparable to Semgrep (no quantitative data)

Fast scan speeds allow SAST processes to be embedded in the developer workflow without adding friction.

Semgrep and Snyk are both fast tools that only scan source code.

95% of Semgrep scans (with cross-file analysis on) run in under 5 minutes.

Fix rate / developer feedback

Fix rate measures the percentage of findings that are addressed by developers. This offers critical insight into rule-effectiveness, false positive rates, and developer engagement.

Snyk does not show fix rate, and any calculation of fix rate would not be actionable as there would be no way to troubleshoot and identify noisy rules or optimize them.


Autofix lets security teams implement deterministic fixes to specific, recurring issues to automate remediation.

IaC Scanning

Semgrep can scan Terraform files and configurations.

Snyk has much wider coverage for IaC technologies and can map misconfigurations to specific compliance frameworks/requirements.

PR Scans

Semgrep and Snyk can both scan pull requests to identify issues before they hit main.

Only Semgrep can immediately return high-confidence results back to the developer within the PR itself.

Does NOT require code access

Many organizations are unable to use a solution that requires the processing or handling of their code to any extent.

Does NOT require compiling code

SAST and code analysis tools that run on source code are faster and more lightweight.

Because of this, they are more developer friendly and easier to implement in the DevOps toolchain.

IDE Extensions

IDE extensions let developers identify security issues while they code (SAST at the speed of linting), and let organizations enforce coding practices and guardrails.

Semgrep supports IntelliJ IDEA and VS Code.

API support

APIs allow teams to ingest findings and data from SAST tooling into their alerting systems, internal tools, etc.

Snyk's API lacks most of the capabilities reflected in the UI, and lacks overall functionality.

Ticketing integrations

Integrations with ticketing tools help teams surface security issues to developers within their existing workflows.

Semgrep supports major ticketing tools like Jira, Asana, and Linear.

Languages supported



Comprehensive language support reduces the number of tools security teams and developers need to use.

Reachability Analysis

Java Only

Reachability analysis identifies the dependency vulnerabilities that are actually reachable in your code - for example, validating if a vulnerable function is called or not.

This allows teams to cut down false positive rates by 80-95% [1] [2] and prioritize fixes that actually reduce risk.

Automatic remediation

Automatic remediation automatically updates and patches dependencies when vulnerabilities are addressed.

SBOM export

An SBOM, or software bill of materials, is important for SCA tools to be able to generate in order to prove compliance and report on dependency risk.

SBOMs exported with Semgrep are also enriched with reachability data, giving a clearer picture into the actual state of risk in your code.

PR Scans

PR scans allow teams to find dependency vulnerabilities before they are committed to main, and surface a list of dependency vulnerabilities directly in the developer's workflow.

PR Comments and developer feedback

The ability for developers to give feedback on a finding within PR comments gives security teams faster and more comprehensive insights on accuracy and false positives.

For developers, it reduces friction and makes interfacing with security tooling feel more responsive and bi-directional.

License Compliance

License Compliance is an essential part of most AppSec programs, especially with companies where distributed code products can’t have any copyleft licenses used.

Semgrep Supply Chain’s License Compliance enables you to block pull requests for non-compliant licenses and gain visibility into the license composition of all your dependencies.

Scan locally (IDE/Terminal)

IDE extensions let developers identify dependency issues while they code, within their IDE.

Semgrep currently supports IntelliJ IDEA and VS Code.

Basic rules for secrets detection

Basic rules can detect simpler secrets using regex and entropy analysis without requiring any additional context.

Semantic Analysis

Semantic analysis understands the context of the code, going beyond regex and entropy analysis to reduce noise and uncover more true positives.


Semgrep takes any uncovered secrets and validates them against a range of public APIs to identify if they are active/live.

Custom Validators

Security teams can write validation checks for internal tools used by developers

Support for all major SCM providers

Both Semgrep and Snyk support all major SCM providers (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket) and their self-hosted versions.

Support for all major CI tools

Both Semgrep and Snyk support all major CI tools.

See detailed list for Semgrep's supported CI providers here, and Snyk's here.

Find and fix the issues that matter before build time

Semgrep helps organizations shift left without the developer productivity tax.

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