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47 docs tagged with "Deployment"

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Add Semgrep to CI/CD

Set up your CI pipeline with Semgrep AppSec Platform for centralized rule and findings management.

Alerts and notifications

Learn how to receive Slack or email alerts about findings and failures and how to integrate using webhooks.

Analyze findings

Learn how to analyze findings with Assistant and view its results.

Apache Maven

Set up Semgrep Supply Chain to correctly detect packages in Maven.

Azure DevOps

Learn how to add an Azure DevOps repository to Semgrep Managed Scans.

Azure PR comments

Enable PR comments in your Azure DevOps repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.


Learn how to add a Bitbucket repository to Semgrep Managed Scans.

Bitbucket Cloud

Enable PR comments in your Bitbucket Cloud repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

Bitbucket Data Center

Enable PR comments in your Bitbucket Data Center repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

CI environment variables

Configure Semgrep in CI by setting various environment variables. Enable diff-aware scanning, connect to Semgrep AppSec Platform, and more.

CLI reference

Reference for the Semgrep command-line interface including options and exit code behavior.

Core deployment

Learn how to set up a comprehensive Semgrep deployment for yourself or your organization.

Create an account

Create a Semgrep account and organization to prepare your deployment for the addition of repositories and team members.


Learn how to add a GitHub repository to Semgrep Managed Scans.

GitHub PR comments

Enable pull request (PR) comments in your GitHub repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.


Learn how to add a GitLab repository to Semgrep Managed Scans.

GitLab MR comments

Enable merge request (MR) comments in your GitLab repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

Jenkins UI

Configure Jenkins to send the correct branch name to Semgrep AppSec Platform.

Managed Scans (beta)

Semgrep Managed Scans provides an alternative to CI-based workflows. It enables you to add repositories to your Semgrep org in bulk without changing your CI workflows.


Learn how Semgrep Assistant can provide recommendations for triage and remediation of Semgrep findings.


Required software or services to run various Semgrep products.


Required software or services to run various Semgrep products.

Sample CI configurations

View sample configuration files to run Semgrep with various CI/CD providers such as GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Buildkite, CircleCI, and more.

Semgrep CE in CI

Learn how to set up a Semgrep CE CI environment for yourself or your organization.

Semgrep Network Broker

Learn how to set up the Semgrep Network Broker, which facilitates secure access between Semgrep and your private network.

Set a primary branch

Set your primary or default branch to ensure Semgrep full scans display accurate counts and deduplicated findings.

Supported languages

Semgrep supports more than two dozen languages. Learn about generally available, beta, and experimentally supported languages.

Tag projects

Guidelines on how to add or remove tags through Semgrep AppSec Platform and semgrepconfig.yml file.

Troubleshooting CI

Not seeing what you expect in Semgrep AppSec Platform? Follow these troubleshooting steps or find out how to get one-on-one help.

Update Semgrep

Update Semgrep by running the correct commands for your environment or operating system.