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My GitLab pipeline says that the token is invalid, but it is valid

If you've checked the value of your SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN and have confirmed that it is valid, you may still see invalid token errors if both of the following are true:

  • Your variable is set as a group variable.
  • Your configuration explicitly references SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN in the variables section.

There is a known issue where group variables are accessible to projects but are not resolved by GitLab's runners.

Semgrep's default configuration recommends setting the variable as a project or repository variable. Project variables are properly resolved by GitLab's runners.

If you prefer to use a group variable, remove the explicit reference to SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN from your .gitlab-ci.yml file. For example, the default configuration would look like this after the change:

image: semgrep/semgrep
script: semgrep ci
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" # allow triggering a scan manually from the gitlab UI

Without the explicit reference failing to resolve, GitLab's runners identify and use the correct value.

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