📄️ Troubleshoot ValueError: Invalid header value error
Troubleshoot "invalid header value" errors in GitHub and Gitlab
📄️ How to collect logs when running Semgrep in CLI
How to collect logs when running Semgrep on the command line.
📄️ Why isn’t Semgrep reporting all my tainted data flows?
One of the reasons behind seeing fewer than expected tainted data flows could be the principle of reporting on shortest paths only.
📄️ My GitLab pipeline says that the token is invalid, but it is valid
This may be occurring because SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN is set as a group variable.
📄️ Semgrep support for all versions of a language
Learn how Semgrep supports all versions of a programming language.
📄️ Reduce false positives
Learn different strategies to reduce false positives in your Semgrep CE scans.
📄️ How to run different versions of Semgrep
How to test scans with different versions of Semgrep.
📄️ Troubleshoot monorepo scan failures
Troubleshoot scan failures on monorepos by studying logs, compartmentalizing scans, increasing RAM, and running jobs in parallel.
📄️ A Semgrep scan is having a problem - what next?
Troubleshoot common issues with Semgrep scans.
📄️ Why are there more Semgrep findings when the code hasn't changed?
This may be occurring because rule coverage has increased.