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Troubleshooting "You are seeing this because the engine was killed" on monorepos

Scans can fail to complete on large monorepos. This article describes possible solutions, such as:

Given the following log or similar:

[ERROR] Error while running rules:
You are seeing this because the engine was killed.

The most common reason this happens is because it used too much memory.
If your repo is large (~10k files or more), you have three options:
1. Increase the amount of memory available to semgrep
2. Reduce the number of jobs semgrep runs with via `-j <jobs>`. We
recommend using 1 job if you are running out of memory.
3. Scan the repo in parts (contact us for help)

Otherwise, it is likely that semgrep is hitting the limit on only some
files. In this case, you can try to set the limit on the amount of memory
semgrep can use on each file with `--max-memory <memory>`. We recommend
lowering this to a limit 70% of the available memory. For CI runs with
interfile analysis, the default max-memory is 5000MB. Without, the default
is unlimited.

The last thing you can try if none of these work is to raise the stack
limit with `ulimit -s <limit>`.

If you have tried all these steps and still are seeing this error, please
contact us.

Error: semgrep-core exited with unexpected output

Determining the size of your monorepo

By default, Semgrep places resource limitations on the size of file scanned and memory allocated.

However, Semgrep does not place limitations on the number of files scanned and scanning a large monorepo can involve thousands of files.

To determine how many files are getting scanned:

  1. View the Semgrep scan output in your CI logs. This step depends on your CI provider.
  2. In the CI logs, search for the section Scan Status.

A sample Semgrep scan output can look like this:

│ Scan Status │
Scanning 91749 files tracked by git with 1068 Code rules, 498 Pro rules:

Language Rules Files Origin Rules
────────────────────────────── ───────────────────
<multilang> 60 199251 Community 551
ts 166 26672 Pro rules 498
python 314 8089 Custom 19
scala 13 5415
json 1 4149
yaml 7 1952
js 160 1084
terraform 13 470
bash 4 408
go 95 228
ruby 22 228
php 25 99
swift 41 89
html 1 72
dockerfile 2 31
c 9 16
rust 49 8
java 156 2
kotlin 47 1

Now you have a good idea of the size of your monorepo. After establishing the size and breakdown of your files by programming language, you can decide what adjustments to make for a scan to succeed.

Scanning components separately

Based on the composition provided by the logs, you may be able to determine if your repository is modular. If so, you can try scanning the components separately.


Semgrep Code still performs interfile analysis on each module. If the modules are functionally separate, running separate scans shouldn't result in a reduction in findings.

Serializing types of scans

Avoid exhausting resource limits by running Semgrep Code, Supply Chain, and Secrets serially instead of simultaneously. That is, instead of:

 semgrep ci

You can run:

semgrep ci --code
semgrep ci --supply-chain
semgrep ci --secrets

As a result, less memory is used in total at any point in time.

Increasing RAM

Lastly, you can also tackle a large scan by increasing the RAM.

Establish RAM baseline and avoid swap memory

First, establish how much memory is required to scan. Determining the total amount of memory required not only helps avoid killed scans but also helps prevent use of swap memory. Semgrep and other SAST tools make heavy use of disk I/O, and swapping in and out with a swap file significantly reduces performance.

  • In the early phases of your scan deployment, start with a relatively larger runner or Kubernetes pod that has lots of memory.
  • Perform the scan with the -j 1 option (see CLI reference). This sets the number of jobs to 1 (no parallelization of subprocesses).
  • Enable a swap monitor for the entire duration of the scan to ensure an accurate assessment of RAM used, for example, running a script that samples the memory frequently:
$ free -m

to see both your RAM and your swap space usage in Linux.

  • Then perhaps add 10% more RAM to your final memory tally to account for churn, increase in code, and so on. This is something you must gauge.


Once you have determined the RAM required to scan your large codebase, you can introduce parallelization to speed up the scan.

In the previous section, you determined the total memory required for a configuration with no parallelization. Now, you can begin testing different parallelization configurations to improve scan speed, while still monitoring for any swap usage.

To increase parallelization, first try the scan with -j 2 for two jobs. For two jobs, memory usage will typically be just less than twice the amount required for one job, and that trend continues as the number of jobs increases.

Furthermore, there is overhead in parallelization: the total RAM required for a -j 2 scan is greater than a -j 1 scan for the same codebase, but you should see a decrease in total scan time.

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