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Triage and remediate Supply Chain findings


At least one repository that scans for dependencies through Semgrep Supply Chain. See Scan third-party dependencies.

Once Semgrep Supply Chain successfully scans your repository and you've viewed your results, you can triage and remediate the findings presented in Semgrep AppSec Platform using the Supply Chain page.

Semgrep Supply Chain Vulnerabilities page Figure. Semgrep Supply Chain Vulnerabilities page.

Triage and remediate findings

Once you have viewed the Supply Chain findings, you can triage them for further work by your AppSec team, including remediation. Semgrep Supply Chain provides the following methods to help you assess your findings:

Assessment actionMethod
View the dependency paths for a transitive dependency.Visible on the vulnerability entry.
View specific pattern matches in your codebase.Click the link provided in the vulnerability entry to see where the issue appears in the source code.
View specific CVE entries in the vulnerability's CVE badge.
View safe versions to upgrade your dependencies.Visible on the vulnerability entry.
Filter vulnerabilities.Click any of the filters available. Refer to the following table for filtering information.

Remediate true positives

Remediate (or resolve) true positives in Semgrep Supply Chain through the following methods:

  • Update the dependency to a safe version that does not contain the vulnerability.
  • Remove the dependency and refactor all usages in the codebase.

Remove the dependency and refactor the code

Removing the dependency and refactoring the code is another method to remediate vulnerabilities. Upon merging any dependency removals, Semgrep Supply Chain scans the PR or MR, detects the changes in your manifest file or lockfile, and updates the status to Fixed.

Ignore findings

The Vulnerabilities tab allows you to identify the reachable, true positives so that you can fix or resolve the related issues. However, you can ignore any false positives, acceptable risks, or deprioritized findings due to some factor. To do this:

  1. Select one or more findings.
  2. Click Triage.
  3. Select Ignore and click Continue.
  4. Select an Ignore reason, provide a optional comment, and click Ignore.

Block pull or merge requests

To block or leave comments on pull or merge requests, see the Supply Chain Policies document.

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