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The Semgrep dashboard is an overview of your organization’s security posture based on data aggregated within Semgrep AppSec Platform. It helps you:

  • Evaluate your AppSec program, enabling you to know your current security risk.
  • Assess the deployment and adoption of secure guardrails to your organization.
  • Become aware of trends and opportunities that you can use to improve your security posture.
  • Quickly filter data granularly for all the charts on the page and view priority findings.
  • Export the information as a PDF report.

Dashboard page Figure. The dashboard page. Hover over the charts to view data for that point in time.

Dashboard overview

The dashboard is divided into several sections:

Today's recommended priority findingsProvides a count of priority findings for all of your Semgrep products. Clicking any of the values takes you to the product's Findings page with those filters applied.
Reporting summary top bar

Sets the filters for all the data in the page except for Today's recommended priority findings.

Production backlog

Displays data about all the findings detected in your primary or default branch and helps you answer the following questions:

  • How is my security posture doing over time?
  • Is my backlog decreasing or increasing?
  • Is the team addressing findings faster than new findings are coming in?
Secure guardrails

Displays data relevant to the deployment and adoption of secure guardrails. It helps address the following:

  • How many vulnerabilities did Semgrep prevent from entering production over time?
  • Am I effectively introducing guardrails to my developers?
  • Of the issues shown to developers, are they being fixed, or are they being ignored?
Most findings by project

Lists projects arranged by most open findings to least, grouped by product or severity. Helps answer the following:

  • Which of my projects have the most findings in a particular product area?
  • Which of my projects have the most findings for a particular severity?
Median open age

A graph showing the middle age of all Open findings, grouped by product or severity. Half of the open findings are older than this age, and half are newer. Helps you answer:

  • What is the amount of time a finding remains open, by product or by severity?

Use the filters to quickly generate views for a single Semgrep product or all products.

When viewing data for a single Semgrep product, you can't group by product in Most findings by project and Median open age.

Export reports

To generate reports from the current view, click Dashboard > Download.

Triage states

The following triage states are displayed:

  • Open
  • Ignored
  • Fixed

Additional triage states, such as Fixing or Reviewing, are considered Open.

Filters and configuration

Use the filters to gain a top-level view or zoom in to a single product, specific period of time, or other slice of data. Create quarterly overviews or recent incident statements for various AppSec stakeholders.

Configurations set here apply to the entire page.

The following quick filters are visible on the page:

  • Time period
  • Semgrep product or type of scan (SAST, SCA, or Secrets)
  • Project (repository)
  • Recommended priority toggle
  • By default, the Dashboard displays data for projects you have access to. Admins can view findings from all the projects in the organization. See the Teams documentation for more information.
  • It can take up to a day (24 hours) for the Dashboard to correctly update and remove findings if you have recently deleted a project.

To access all filters:

  1. Click All filters to open the filter drawer.
  2. Turn off the Recommended priority toggle.

This displays the following filters in the filter drawer:

This refers to any finding that is Critical or High severity in addition to being:

  • High confidence - if the finding is from Semgrep Code.
  • Reachable - if the finding is from Semgrep Supply Chain.
  • Valid - if the finding is from Semgrep Secrets.

By default, Recommended priority filters are enabled.

If you choose to turn off recommended priority filters, all findings are displayed.

Production backlog

This pane displays analytics related to findings detected in your primary or default branch. This typically means that the finding, usually a security issue, has made it to production environments.

Key metrics

Key metricsDescription
Total openedFindings set to Open, Fixing, or Reviewing during the time period that remained in any of those states until the end of the time period.
Total fixedTotal number of Fixed findings during the time period that remained fixed until the end of the time period.
Total ignoredTotal number of Ignored findings during the time period that remained ignored until the end of the time period.
Total net newThe number of new Open, Fixing, or Reviewing findings that were not fixed or ignored within the specified time period. Lower values are better. This is the difference between the number of Open, Fixing, or Reviewing findings at the beginning of the time period and the end of the time period.

A low or 0 value for Total net new is ideal as it indicates that findings are being triaged or resolved within the time period.


Open backlogThis tracks the total findings from each scan and displays them. Lower values are better.
Backlog activityDisplays the number of new, net new, fixed, and ignored findings. A greater Fixed value is better.

Secure guardrails

This provides an overview of how secure guardrails in PR or MR comments are used in your organization, as well as how often Semgrep Assistant, if enabled, filters out false positives and suppresses PR or MR comments, reducing noise for developers. Other guardrail interfaces, such as the IDE or pre-commit, are not counted in this section.

Secure guardrails pane Figure. Secure guardrails pane. Hover over the charts to view data for that point in time. Click on Filtered by Assistant data to view filtered findings on Code > Pre-production.

Key metrics

Key metricsDescription
Findings shown to devsNumber of findings shown to developers in PR or MR comments (the numerator) against the total findings count (denominator). An upward or stable trend is better.
Findings fixed before backlogNumber of findings that were fixed before they could be detected in a default branch or production backlog (numerator) against the total findings count in the specified time period. An upward or stable trend is better.


Secure guardrails adoptionPercent of new findings shown to developers over the specified time period. An upward or stable trend is better.
Guardrails activityThis chart displays a breakdown of the status of findings shown to developers; whether they were ignored, fixed, remained open, or filtered by Assistant. A greater Fixed value is better.

Most findings by project

A table listing projects from most open findings to least, grouped by product or severity. Lower values are better.


It is recommended to prioritize triage and remediation for the top projects listed in this table, especially if the priority filters are enabled.

Findings by project pane. Figure. Findings by project; group them by product or severity.

Median open age

Median open age of a finding. Figure. Median open age of a finding.

A chart displaying the median open age of a finding in days over the specified time period. Lower is better.

For a finding to be remediated, it must have any of the following statuses:

  • Fixed
  • Ignored

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