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    Contributing overview

    Your contributions to Semgrep Community Edition (CE) are welcome!

    To contribute, read and agree with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

    Your contributions can help in various places:

    ContributionWhere to contribute
    File a Semgrep CE issue.See the Semgrep GitHub repository.
    Contribute code changes.Follow the Contributing code document. Find a task in the list of good first issues.
    Contribute rules to the Semgrep Registry.Add new rules through Semgrep AppSec Platform or GitHub. See Contributing rules.
    Update the documentation you are reading right now!Create a PR or an issue in the Documentation repository.
    File an issue for our Semgrep Visual Studio Code extension or help us to improve it.See the semgrep-vscode repository.
    File an issue for our Semgrep IntelliJ Plugin help us to improve it.See the semgrep-intellij repository.
    Help others in the community.Check Semgrep Community Slack.

    For any contribution to Semgrep code (bug fix or fixed issue, feature), read more about development workflow and testing in the contribution guidelines. For a high-level view of Semgrep’s design principles, see the Semgrep philosophy.

    Not finding what you need in this doc? Ask questions in our Community Slack group, or see Support for other ways to get help.