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Semgrep release notes for January 2024

๐Ÿ”ง OSS Engineโ€‹

๐ŸŒ Cloud Platformโ€‹


  • Semgrep's Visual Studio Code extension now runs natively on Windows machines.
  • Added ability for organizations to test connections to GitHub and GitLab by going to Settings > Source Code Managers.
  • Projects are now moved from the Scanning to Not scanning tab when the corresponding GitHub repository is archived.
  • CLI tool:
    • Added color-coded severity icons, such as โฏโฏโฑ, to the CLI output for findings of known severity.
    • Metrics sent from the CLI and collected by Semgrep now include a breakdown of the number of findings per product.
    • Rules stored under a hidden directory, such as dir/.hidden/myrule.yml, are now processed when scanning with the --config flag.


  • Renamed the Upgrade page to Usage & billing.
  • Redesigned the Settings > Source Code Managers page; changes include:
    • Renamed the Remove SCM config button to Disconnect.
    • Set the Remove app button to only show up for registered GitHub apps.
  • Improved the page load times for the Settings > Source Code Managers page, especially for organizations with many source code managers connected.
  • Updated de-duplication logic for users with multiple source code managers.


  • Fixed an issue where paid subscribers couldn't submit support cases through the Help page.
  • CLI tool:
    • Fixed an issue where multi-line comments in Dockerfiles weren't parsed correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where Semgrep used /tmp instead of the path set in the TMPDIR environment variable for the Semgrep cache.
    • Fixed an issue where Semgrep would error on reading a nosemgrep comment with multiple rule IDs.

๐Ÿ’ป Codeโ€‹


  • Swift: Now supports typed metavariables, such as ($X : ty).
  • Java: You can now use metavariable ellipses properly in function arguments, as statements, and as expressions. For instance, you may write the pattern:
    public $F($...ARGS) { ... }
  • C++ with Semgrep Pro Engine: Improved translation of delete expressions to the dataflow so that recently added at-exit sinks work on them. Previously, delete expression at "exit" positions were not being properly recognized as such.


  • Improved loading times for Dashboard and Findings pages.
  • Redesigned the Findings page to display issues present on multiple branches, regardless of which branch is used as a filter.


  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the editor could crash due to rules having more than one metadata subcategory.
  • Fixed a bug in which open findings were counted differently between the Code and Dashboard pages in Semgrep Cloud Platform. The counts now match.
  • Findings page:
    • Fixed a bug in which leaving a note automatically triaged a finding. Now, the state of the finding does not change when a user leaves a note.
    • Fixed a bug in which fixed findings were triagable despite their already fixed state through the rule group checkbox. Now these findings are not triagable.
    • Fixed an issue where hovering over the Assistant's Analyze button caused the window to jitter.

โ›“๏ธ Supply Chainโ€‹


  • Added ability to manually create custom dependency exceptions under Supply Chain > Settings. This helps prevent blocking a pull request or merge request due to licensing issues. For example, if bitwarden/cli@2023.9.0, which has a GPL-3.0 license, is on the allowlist, setting a custom dependency exception means that the exclusion won't fail when upgrading to bitwarden/cli@2023.9.1.


  • Vulnerabilities page: Improved filtering performance.
  • Software bill of materials (SBOM) generation is now generally available (GA).
  • The Dependencies tab is now GA.


  • Fixed an issue where Semgrep couldn't parse a Pipfile correctly if it had a [dev-packages] section.
  • Fixed a bug where Gemfile.lock files with multiple GEM sections weren't parsed correctly.

๐Ÿ” Secrets (beta)โ€‹


  • Fixed a bug with custom secrets rules in which rule visibility could be set to unlisted. Now, to protect the privacy of secrets rules, users cannot set Secrets rules to any other visibility except for private.

๐Ÿ“ Documentation and knowledge baseโ€‹



  • Updated the Semgrep Supply Chain languages table to clarify that lockfile-only languages do not have reachable rules.
  • Updated documentation on event triggers for diff-aware and full scans.
  • Updated Licensing documentation for Semgrep Supply Chain and Semgrep Secrets.
  • Updated the Findings documentation page.

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