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Semgrep release notes for February 2024

๐Ÿ”ง OSS Engineโ€‹

๐ŸŒ Cloud Platformโ€‹


  • API: Added a rule object under findings with the following fields:
    • name
    • message
    • confidence
    • category
    • subcategories
    • technologies
    • vulnerability_classes
    • cwe_names
    • owasp_names
  • Added distinction between Pro engine and OSS findings in the Playground and Editor.
  • Added support for the linux-arm64 platform when you download Semgrep Pro Engine.


  • Updated the Semgrep Cloud Platform (SCP) login page.
  • Updated the login process from the CLI to SCP. This change affects new users.
  • Updated the Semgrep installation instructions for Docker.
  • Improved performance of Semgrep Playground and Editor.


  • Fixed a bug where the navigation sidebar covered the entire mobile screen and could not be collapsed.
  • Scan summary links printed after users run semgrep ci now reflect a custom SEMGREP_APP_URL if set.

๐Ÿ’ป Codeโ€‹


  • Support for C and C++ is now generally available (GA), including cross-file and cross-function analysis.
  • Added new Pro rules for Elixir and the Phoenix framework, covering various security and correctness issues. These are available in the p/elixir ruleset.
  • Added support for Python, with a focus on the Flask ecosystem, to the Semgrep Pro Engine.
  • Added support for nested record patterns on the left-hand side of an assignment during dataflow analysis. For example, given { body: { param } } = tainted, Semgrep correctly marks param as tainted.
  • The metavariable-regex operator can now match on metavariables of interpolated strings that use variables with known values.
  • Taint analysis:
    • Added support for Python constructors.
    • Added support for index sensitivity. Semgrep tracks taint on individual indexes of a data structure when these are constant values, either integers or strings, and the code uses the built-in syntax for array indexing.
    • Added exact: false as a pattern-sources sub-key so you can specify that anything inside a code region is a sink:
      - exact: false
      pattern: ...
    • When exact: true and taint_assume_safe_functions: true, Semgrep now considers that, if the specified formula isn't a patterns with a focus-metavariable, it must look for taint in the function call's arguments. For example:
      taint_assume_safe_functions: true
      - exact: false
      pattern: ...


  • Improved error handling during interfile analysis so Semgrep Code doesn't crash.
  • CLI: If there are multiple errors resulting from the user running Pro rules without a license, the CLI groups all errors and reports a single warning.
  • The project name for repositories scanned locally is local_scan/<repo_name> instead of <repo_name>.
  • The View Results URL displayed for findings now includes the repository and branch names.


  • Fixed an issue with incorrect autofix application where multiple fixes were applied to the same line.
  • Fixed issue where tokens for type parameter brackets weren't stored correctly. They're now stored in the generic AST, allowing Semgrep to autofix these constructs correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Semgrep doesn't support multiple labels for taint traces. Now, Semgrep looks at the requires of the sink, and if it has the shape A and ..., it picks A as the preferred label and reports the trace.
  • Fixed issue where taint signatures don't capture changes to parameter fields.

โ›“๏ธ Supply Chainโ€‹


  • Added support for parsing Swift Package Manager manifest files and lock files.
  • Added the ability to filter for dependencies that Semgrep has commented on.
  • Added manual review advice to GitHub PR comments. Certain Semgrep Supply Chain (SSC) findings require manual review to verify if the finding is reachable or not.


  • Fixed issues with trailing newline parsing in pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files.

๐Ÿ” Secretsโ€‹


  • Added the following new rules:
    • Detection rules for Azure and AWS
    • Semantic secrets rules for Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript
    • Semantic rules for hard-coded credentials in bash for curl commands
  • Added non-validator regex detection for databases, including MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres, and Redis
  • Added secrets rule management, which is accessible in Semgrep Cloud Platform by going to Rules > Policies > Secrets. This allows you to:
    • See all available rules
    • Set valid finding modes for the rules
    • Set invalid and error validation state modes across multiple rules


  • Fixed an issue where the Analysis method filter in Semgrep Cloud Platform wasn't filtering correctly.

๐Ÿ“ Documentation and knowledge baseโ€‹




  • Fixed formatting on GitHub PR comments documentation. Thank you to parsiya for the fix.
  • Various link fixes and Docker image updates.

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