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October 2023 release notes

๐Ÿ”ง Semgrep OSS Engineโ€‹

๐ŸŒ Semgrep Cloud Platformโ€‹


  • Added a button to Remove source code manager (SCM) apps. This is helpful when you have a misconfigured SCM app, such as GitHub's semgrep-app, and want to reinstall it. To remove an SCM, click Settings > Source code managers. Remove your source code manager
  • Added Semgrep Assistant to the new Getting started guide in the onboarding flow.
  • OpenAPI: Renamed instances of r2c to Semgrep.
  • CLI login: New users are now directed to create a Semgrep org when they are logging in for the first time to Semgrep Cloud Platform from the CLI.


  • Updated the default CircleCI YAML snippet to include full and diff scans.


  • Fixed UI issues in the new onboarding flow.
  • Fixed an issue where Semgrep Cloud Platform could crash during the onboarding flow.
  • Various frontend fixes and improvements to the following:
    • Finding detail page
    • Projects page
  • Fixed an issue where the Delete user functionality did not work for some Semgrep orgs.

๐Ÿ’ป Semgrep Codeโ€‹


  • Speed and stability improvements across the product. Semgrep Code pages, such as Findings and Policies, now load faster.
  • Semgrep Assistant: Component tags are now visible for all Assistant users.
    • Component tags use GPT-4 to categorize a finding based on its function, such as:
      • Payments
      • User authentication
      • Infrastructure
    • By categorizing your code through component tags, Semgrep Assistant is able to help you prioritize high-risk issues, for example if Semgrep has detected a code finding related to payments or user authentication. Semgrep Assistant Component tag list

โ›“๏ธ Semgrep Supply Chainโ€‹


  • Added a new, public Semgrep Supply Chain API where you can filter and query third-party vulnerability findings by a variety of parameters, such as:
    • Severity
    • Repository
    • Exposure
  • C# reachability is now GA (generally available). Semgrep Supply Chain has added reachability rule support for all C# CVEs from May 2022 onward.
  • SBOM export: Add vulnerabilities enriched with reachability analysis to export SBOMs.
  • Dependency license scanning:
    • Added support for NuGet (C#) license detection.
    • Added support for RubyGems (Ruby) license detection.
  • Advisories: Added a tooltip displaying the date when a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) created the security advisory. CVE Numbering Authorities include the MITRE Corporation. These dates are not assigned by Semgrep, Inc. Tooltip of advisory creation date


  • SBOM (software bill of materials) export: The name of the exported SBOM file now follows the following format: sbom-<org_name>-<repo_name>-<MM-DD-YY_H-m-s>--<serial_number>.<xml|json>


  • SBOM export: Fixed an issue where SBOM export failed when encountering dependencies with empty names.
  • Vulnerabilities page: Fixed an issue where triage states did not update until a page refresh. Triage states now update as the user performs a triage action.

๐Ÿ” Semgrep Secrets (beta)โ€‹


  • Semgrep Secrets is now in public beta.
  • Projects page: Added a new column to display a Semgrep Secrets counter. This counter counts all secrets regardless of validation state.


  • Fixed links to branches in GitLab self-hosted repositories.

๐Ÿ“ Documentation and knowledge baseโ€‹



  • The Policies documentation has been improved.


  • Various improvements to knowledge base articles.

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