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    September 2021

    Version 0.67.0


    • Support for break and continue in the dataflow engine
    • Support for switch statements in the dataflow engine


    • Fix CFG dummy nodes to always connect to exit node
    • Deep ellipsis <... x ...> now matches sub-expressions of statements
    • Ruby: treat 'foo' as a function call when alone on its line (#3811)
    • Fixed bug in semgrep-core's -filter_irrelevant_rules causing Semgrep to incorrectly skip a file (#3755)
    • PHP: allows more keywords as valid field names (#3954)


    • Taint no longer analyzes dead/unreachable code
    • Improve error message for segmentation faults/stack overflows
    • Attribute-expression equivalence that allows matching expression patterns against attributes, it is enabled by default but can be disabled via rule options: with attr_expr: false (#3489)
    • Improved Kotlin parsing from 35% to 77% on our Kotlin corpus

    Version 0.66.0



    • Dataflow: Recognize "concat" method and interpret it in a language-dependent manner (#3316)
    • PHP: allows certain keywords as valid field names (#3907)


    • Constant propagation now assumes that void methods may update the callee (#3316)
    • Add rule message to emacs output (#3851)
    • Show stack trace on fatal errors (#3876)
    • Various changes to error messages (#3827)

    Version 0.65.0


    • Allow autofix using the command line rather than only with the fix: YAML key


    • Taint detection with ternary ifs (#3778)
    • Fixed corner-case crash affecting the pattern: $X optimization ("empty And; no positive terms in And")
    • PHP: Added support for parsing labels and goto (#3592)
    • PHP: Parse correctly constants named PUBLIC or DEFAULT (#3589)
    • Go: Added type inference for struct literals (#3622)
    • Fix semgrep-core crash when a cache file exceeds the file size limit
    • Sped up Semgrep interface with tree-sitter parsing


    • Grouped semgrep CLI options and added constraints when useful (e.g., cannot use --vim and --emacs at the same time)

    Version 0.64.0


    • Enable associative matching for string concatenation (#3741)


    • Java: separate import static from regular imports during matching (#3772)
    • Taint mode will now benefit from semgrep-core's -filter_irrelevant_rules
    • Taint mode should no longer report duplicate matches (#3742)
    • Only change source directory when running in docker context (#3732)


    • Add logging on failure to git ls-files (#3777)

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