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    August 2021

    Version 0.63.0


    • C#: support ellipsis in declarations (#3720)


    • Hack: improved support for metavariables (#3716)
    • Dataflow: Disregard type arguments but not the entire instruction


    • Optimize ending ... in pattern-insides to simply match anything left

    Version 0.62.0


    • OCaml: support module aliasing, so looking for will also find code that renamed List as L via module L = List.
    • Add help text to sarif formatter output if defined in metadata field.
    • Update shortDescription in SARIF formatter output if defined in metadata field.
    • Add tags as defined in metadata field in addition to the existing tags.


    • core: fix parsing of numeric literals in rule files
    • Java: fix the range and autofix of Cast expressions (#3669)
    • Generic mode scanner no longer tries to open submodule folders as files (#3701)
    • pattern-regex with completely empty files (#3705)
    • --sarif exit code with suppressed findings (#3680)
    • Fixed fatal errors when a pattern results in a large number of matches
    • Better error message when rule contains empty pattern


    • Add backtrace to fatal errors reported by semgrep-core
    • Report errors during rule evaluation to the user
    • When and-ed with other patterns, pattern: $X will not be evaluated on its own, but will look at the context and find $X within the metavariables bound, which should be significantly faster

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