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    March 2022

    Version 0.86.5


    Semgrep findings available in two GitLab formats

    Semgrep can now output findings in the following formats:

    • GitLab SAST report format with --gitlab-sast.
    • GitLab secret detection report format with --gitlab-secrets.

    JSON output fingerprint of each finding

    JSON output now includes a fingerprint of each finding. This fingerprint remains consistent when scanned code is just moved or reindented.

    Go improvement

    Use latest tree-sitter-go with support for Go 1.18 generics. (#4823)

    Terraform support

    Basic support for constant propagation of locals and variables. (#1147, #4816)

    Ellipsis metavariable in HTML

    You can now use metavariable ellipsis inside a <script> tag. For example <script>$...JS</script>. (#4841)

    Semgrep CI is now a part of Semgrep CLI

    You can now run Semgrep CI with semgrep ci subcommand that auto-detects settings from your CI environment and can upload findings to Semgrep App when logged in.


    SARIF output

    SARIF output includes matching code snippet (#4812)

    Python wheel

    Removed tests from published Python wheel.

    Findings comparison changes

    Findings are now considered identical between baseline and current scans, meaning that:

    • Two findings are now identical after whitespace changes such as re-indentation.
    • Two findings are now identical after a nosemgrep comment is added.
    • Findings are now different if the same code triggered them on different lines.

    Semgrep docker image running as root

    Docker image now runs as root to allow the docker image to be used in CI/CD pipelines.

    XDG Base Directory

    Semgrep now supports XDG Base Directory specification format. (#4818)

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Version 0.85.0


    C improvement

    Semgrep uses the latest tree-sitter-c-sharp with support for most C 10.0 features.

    HTML improvement

    Support for metavariables on tags (for example: <$TAG>...</$TAG>). (#4078)

    Scala improvement

    The data-flow engine now handles expression blocks. Previously, Semgrep did not report some false negatives when run with taint analysis on expression blocks, which are now reported.

    Dockerfile improvement

    Allow for example CMD … to match both CMD ls and CMD ["ls"]. (#4770)

    Semgrep informs about used rules for multiple languages

    When scanning multiple languages, Semgrep now prints a table of how many rules and files are used for each language.


    File targeting logic

    The following inconsistencies were fixed: (#4776)

    Explicitly targeted files are now unaffected by global filters

    Previously, explicitly targeted files (files that are directly passed to the command line) were unaffected by most global filters: global include or exclude patterns, and the file size limit. Now, the .semgrepignore patterns do not affect explicitly targeted files as well.

    Semgrep scans with --skip-unknown-extensions flag now use shebang

    Previously, --skip-unknown-extensions skipped files based only on file extension, even though extensionless shell scripts expose their language through the shebang of the first line. As a result, when you set --skip-unknown-extensions flag, Semgrep always skipped explicitly targeted shell files with no extension. Now, Semgrep with said flag decides if a file is a correct language using both extensions and shebangs.

    Faster scans with --baseline-commit flag

    These optimizations were added:

    • When --baseline-commit is set, Semgrep runs the current scan, then switches to the –baseline-commit, and runs the baseline scan. The current scan now excludes files that are unchanged between the baseline and the current commit according to the output of git status.

    • The baseline scan now excludes rules and files that had no matches in the current scan.

    • When git ls-files is unavailable or --disable-git-ignore is set, Semgrep walks the file system to find all target files. Semgrep now walks the file system 30% faster compared to previous versions.

    Improved Semgrep output format

    The output format is updated to visually separate lines with headings and indentation.


    Deep expression matching and metavariable interaction

    Semgrep does not stop at the first match and enumerates all possible matches if a metavariable is used in a deep expression pattern (for example: <... $X ...>). This fix can introduce performance regressions.

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Version 0.84.0


    Semgrep CLI lists supported languages

    Semgrep CLI now includes --show-supported-languages flag to display the list of languages supported by Semgrep. Thanks to John Wu for this contribution! (#4754)

    JSX (JavaScript) improvement

    Semgrep CLI now provides the following improvements for JSX (JavaScript extension) scans:

    • Semgrep scans for JSX self closing tags (XML elements) such as <foo /> can result in a match of explicitly closed tags, for example: <foo >some child</foo>. You can now disable this behavior by rule options: xml_singleton_loose_matching: false (#4730)
    • New rule option xml_attrs_implicit_ellipsis that allows you to disable the implicit ellipsis ... that was added to JSX attributes patterns.

    Updated validation of rules

    The semgrep --config [file] --validate now checks for invalid metavariables.

    The project-depends-on now supports more languages

    You can now use r2c-internal-project-depends-on with lockfiles for Java, Go, Ruby, and Rust. (#4699)

    Improved PHP support

    Semgrep now treats TPL files as PHP files. (#4763)

    Improved Scala support

    Semgrep CLI now provides the following improvements for Scala language scans:

    • Custom string interpolators. (#4655)
    • Support for parsing scripts that contain plain definitions outside of an object or class.

    Not finding what you need in this doc? Ask questions in our Community Slack group, or see Support for other ways to get help.