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    February 2022

    Version 0.83.0


    Semgrep logs

    Semgrep now saves logs of its last run to ~/.semgrep/last.log.

    New recursive operator in join mode

    Join mode enables you to cross file boundaries, allowing you to write rules for whole code bases instead of individual files. With this update, you can now use a new recursive operator --> to recursively chain Semgrep rules based on metavariable contents. (#4684)

    Scanned paths under paths.scanned key

    Semgrep now lists the scanned paths in its JSON output under the paths.scanned key.

    The --verbose option lists skipped paths

    With the --verbose option, the skipped paths are listed under the paths.skipped key.

    C improvement

    Semgrep now supports typed metavariables in C#. (#4657)

    The metavariable-analysis

    Experimental metavariable-analysis feature that supports two kinds of analyses rules:

    • Prediction of regular expression denial-of-service vulnerabilities (Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) analyzer). (#4700)
    • High-entropy string detection (entropy). (#4672)

    The semgrep publish

    A new subcommand semgrep publish allows users to upload private, unlisted, or public rules to the Semgrep Registry.


    Constant propagation

    Improved constant propagation for global constants.

    PHP improvement

    Constant propagation is now aware of escapeshellarg and htmlspecialchars_decode. If you give these functions constant arguments, Semgrep assumes that their output is also a constant.

    Use different environment variable

    The environment variable used by Semgrep login changed from SEMGREP_LOGIN_TOKEN to SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN.


    The fixes section includes only important or breaking fixes. To see the full list of fixes, see Semgrep changelog.

    Limit for Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) engine retries

    With this update, the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) engine is now configured to limit hanging scans. As a consequence, the hanging scans which took a long time to process are now stopped after a specific limit is reached. However, some scan results may not be reported as their processing was above this limit.

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Version 0.82.0


    Support of semgrep --baseline-commit

    With this update, you can use experimental baseline scanning by issuing the following command:

    semgrep --baseline-commit GIT_COMMIT_HASH

    Use this option with a commit hash or a branch name. The --baseline-commit option limits the scan results to those introduced after the commit you specify. For example, you have a repository with 10 commits, use the commit hash of the 8th commit, and Semgrep returns scan results introduced by changes in commits 9 and 10. (#4571)


    Scans indicate skipped target paths

    Semgrep scans now indicate a breakdown of skipped target paths with the reason for the scan skip. In addition, using the --verbose mode lists all skipped paths.

    Performance improvement of semgrep-core

    All rules are now sent directly to semgrep-core, resulting in a significant performance increase for small-to-medium-sized code repositories. This improvement led to the following changes:

    • Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) output includes all used rules.
    • Error messages use the full path of rules.
    • Progress bar reports by file instead of by rule.

    Python 3.7 is the minimum version to use Semgrep

    The required minimum version of Python for Semgrep is now 3.7 instead of EOL 3.6.

    Bloom filter

    Bloom filter optimization now considers import module file names. As a consequence, Semgrep matches patterns such as import { $X } from 'foo' with increased performance. (#4605)

    Indentation removed to provide additional space

    Indentation is now removed from matches to provide more space.

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Version 0.81.0



    Complete support for metavariables and anonymous ellipses except in ENV instructions. (#4556, #4577)



    Match resources in Java try-with-resources statements. (#4228)

    Additional information

    To see the complete change notes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

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