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    June 2022

    Semgrep App


    • Effective August 1, 2022, Semgrep App Community tier will be limited to 20 developers each month. Please see our Usage Limits FAQ for more information.
    • You can now see the number of developers committing to private repositories scanned by Semgrep App in the Settings page.
    • New accounts can now try out Semgrep with the default inclusion of juice-shop, an intentionally vulnerable codebase. This enables new users to explore Semgrep's scanning capability, dashboard, and features.
    • Additional scan status messages have been added in the Projects page, under the Last scan row to better assist users in troubleshooting and understanding scan behavior.
    • [Team or Enterprise Tier] You can now tag repositories within Semgrep App with up to 10 tags. Tagging enables teams to group together related repositories. Tags are implemented in Semgrep's API, enabling you to filter and group repository findings through tags.


    • Semgrep App Findings page: The Closed tab is now labeled as Fixed. This change prevents confusion between findings that were fixed and findings that were removed.
    • Findings that Semgrep App found in a previous scan but no longer found them in the latest scan are called Fixed findings. To mark findings as fixed, the rule that matched the code and the file that was scanned must still be present during the latest scan. Under these conditions, Semgrep App concludes that the finding is fixed.
    • Removed findings are not included in the count in the Fixed findings tab. Removed findings are findings in the code that were previously found by a rule, but either the rule or the file containing the code has been removed in the most recent scan. Thus, the code cannot be considered "fixed", but is instead "removed." See Semgrep App Findings documentation for more information.
    • Both fixed findings and removed findings were previously counted together in the Closed tab, causing confusion as to the actual count of fixed findings. Now only findings that were purposefully fixed or addressed are counted.
    • PR Fix Rate has been renamed to Comment Fix Rate. The use of a more general term, "comment", captures both GitLab merge requests (MRs) and GitHub pull requests (PRs).
    • The Comment Fix Rate is the percentage of PR or MR comments fixed by developers. These PR or MR comments are findings detected by Semgrep from rules in the Comment column of your Rule Board.


    • When adding GitHub projects, Semgrep App previously redirected the user to GitHub and then back into Semgrep App's Dashboard page while adding a project. Because of this, users would have to manually return to the Projects page to finish adding a project. Semgrep App now correctly redirects users to the Project page.

    Semgrep CLI and Semgrep in CI

    These release notes include upgrades for all versions ranging between 0.95.0 and 0.101.0.


    • Semgrep installation through PyPi is now supported on Apple M1 processors!
    • Semgrep now supports the R language as an experimental language. Thanks to Zythosec for contributions! (Issue #2360)
    • Bash: Semgrep now supports subshell syntax. This can be used, for example, in commands in parentheses. (Issue #5629)
    • Java: You can now use a metavariable in a package directive, for example, package $X, which is useful to bind the package name and use it in the error message. (Issue #5420)
    • Building the foundation for an improved Visual Studio Code user experience, Semgrep now has an experimental Language Server Protocol (LSP) daemon mode. A client program (such as Visual Studio Code) would typically run the LSP daemon. If you feel like an adventurer, all you need to do to start it is to run semgrep lsp --config p/r2c. Stay tuned for more LSP goodness!
    • Semgrep in CI:
      • Starting to run Semgrep CI in your pipelines was easier in GitHub and GitLab than for any other CI provider. With this release, the process has been simplified for many other CI providers! Previously, for any provider except for GitHub and GitLab, you would have to commit a lengthy configuration file to enable Semgrep in CI to start working in your pipeline. Now, the autodetection of the CI environment supports Azure Pipelines, Bitbucket, Buildkite, CircleCI, Jenkins, and Travis CI in addition to GitHub and GitLab. Now you do not need to commit big configuration files again for these providers!
      • You can now disable version checks with an environment variable by setting SEMGREP_ENABLE_VERSION_CHECK=0.
      • The ci CLI command now includes ignored findings in output formats according to their configuration.
    • taint-mode:
      • Taint tracking now analyzes lambdas in their surrounding context. Previously, if a variable became tainted outside a lambda, and this variable was used inside the lambda causing the taint to reach a sink, this was not detected because any nested lambdas were "opaque" to the analysis. Taint tracking looked at lambdas but as isolated functions. With this update, lambdas are simply analyzed as if they were statement blocks. However, taint tracking still does not follow the flow of taint through the lambda's arguments!
      • New experimental pattern-propagators feature that allows you to specify arbitrary patterns for the propagation of taint by side-effect. In particular, this allows specifying how taint propagates through side-effectful function calls. For example, you can specify when tainted data is added to an array then the array itself becomes tainted. (Issue #4509)
    • Dataflow:
      • Spread operators in record expressions (for example {}) are now translated into the Dataflow Intermediate Language (IL).
      • XML elements (for example JSX elements) have now a basic translation to the Dataflow IL, meaning that dataflow analysis (constant propagation, taint tracking) can now operate inside these elements. (Issue #5115)
    • Generic mode:
      • New option generic_ellipsis_max_span for controlling how many lines an ellipsis can match. (Issue #5211)
      • New option generic_comment_style for ignoring comments that follow the specified syntax (C style, C++ style, or Shell style). (Issue #3428)
    • Metrics:
      • A list of features used during execution is now included among metrics. Examples of such features are: languages scanned, CLI options passed, keys used in rules, or certain code paths reached, such as using an :include instruction in a .semgrepignore file. These strings will not include user data or specific settings. As an example, with semgrep scan --output=secret.txt we send "option/output" but will not send "option/output=secret.txt".
      • An anonymous Event ID has been included among metrics. This is an ID generated at send-time and will be used to de-duplicate events that potentially get duplicated during transmission.
      • Metrics now include an anonymous User ID. This ID is stored in the ~/.semgrep/settings.yml file. If the ID disappears, the next run will generate a new ID randomly. See the Anonymous User ID in for more details.


    • PHP: Semgrep PHP support now reached GA General Availability (GA) maturity! Thanks a lot to Sjoerd Langkemper for most of the heavy work!

    • Gitlab SAST output is now v14.1.2 compliant.

    • The following deprecated semgrep scan options are now removed: --json-stats, --json-time, --debugging-json, --save-test-output-tar, --synthesize-patterns, --generate-config/-g, --dangerously-allow-arbitrary-code-execution-from-rules, and --apply (which was an easter egg for job applications, not the same as --autofix).

    • Rules are now downloaded from the Semgrep Registry in JSON format instead of YAML. This speeds up rule parsing in the Semgrep CLI, making a semgrep --config auto run on the semgrep Python package in 14s instead of 16s.

    • The output summarizing scan results has been simplified.

    • Previously, you could use $X in a message to interpolate the variable captured by a metavariable named $X, but there was no way to access the underlying value. However, sometimes that value is more important than the captured variable. Now you can use the syntax value($X) to interpolate the underlying propagated value if it exists (if not, it will just use the variable name).

      Example: Take a target file such as the following:

      x = 42

      Now take a rule to find that log command:

      - id: example_log
      message: Logged $SECRET: value($SECRET)
      pattern: log(42)
      languages: [python]

      Before this update, the same rule applied to our test example would give you the message Logged x: value(x). Now, it gives the message Logged x: 42.

    Additional information

    Bug fixes are not included in these release notes unless they are potentially breaking your workflow. To see the complete change notes for Semgrep CLI and CI that include fixes, visit the Semgrep changelog.

    Not finding what you need in this doc? Ask questions in our Community Slack group, or see Support for other ways to get help.