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    December 2021

    Version 0.77.0


    Semgrep CLI and Semgrep CI now ignore the same patterns

    With this update, Semgrep CLI now ignores the same patterns as the Semgrep CI by default. Find the default .semgrepignore on GitHub. If you want to return to Semgrep’s previous behavior, create an empty .semgrepignore file. However, creating a new .semgrepignore overrides the default setup.

    Autofix improvement

    An autofix improvement from from Hashicorp! Big shoutout to them. Fixes several issues (auto fixing multiple things in the same set of lines). This change addresses several issues related to autofix by adding per-file line and column offset tracking, and uses those offsets when making edits to files. The improvement addresses several edge cases in the existing autofix implementation that Semgrep did not handle correctly previously. The addressed issues are the following: #4428, #3577, #3388.



    Semgrep now correctly matches patterns as List(...).


    Default set of .semgrepignore patterns (in semgrep/templates/.semgrepignore) is now used by default. You can override the default behavior by creating your own .semgrepignore file.


    You can now use ellipsis metavariables for parameters. (#4420)


    The fixed section now remains only as changelog notes. To see the changelog notes, visit Semgrep changelog.


    Constant propagation

    Constant propagation is now fully a must analysis, if a variable is undefined in some path then it is considered as a non-constant.


    Dataflow now considers only reachable nodes, which prevents some false-positive or false-negative findings.

    The --time option now includes time spent on processing

    With this update, Semgrep's --time option output includes the time spent on getting the configs, running the matching engine, and processing of ignores.

    semgrep-core improvement

    The semgrep-core logs a warning when a worker process is consuming above 400 MiB of memory or reaches 80% of the specified memory limit. This change is made to help diagnose out of memory (OOM) related crashes.

    Additional information

    To view the original release information, see the changelog of this release on GitHub.

    Version 0.76.2


    Support for Solidity

    Semgrep now provides experimental support for the Solidity programming language.



    Comprehension variables now have the correct scope, which means that a pattern like [$X for $X in $ITERATOR] now correctly matches [v for v in foo()]. (#4260)

    Semgrep reports relative file paths with .semgrepignore

    Previously, when you used Semgrep with .semgrepignore file, Semgrep reported targets with absolute instead of relative file paths. This issue has now been fixed. (#4402)

    Additional information

    To view the original release information, see the changelog of this release on GitHub.

    Version 0.76.1



    Previously, when you used Semgrep with a .semgrepignore file, Semgrep failed to run on files that were not subpaths of the directory where Semgrep was used.

    Version 0.76.0


    Improved filtering of rules

    Semgrep now has improved filtering of rules based on file content, resulting in notable speedup for NodeJsScan rules.

    Semgrep CLI

    Semgrep CLI now respects .semgrepignore files. For more information about ignoring files, see Semgrep documentation.

    Java support improvement

    Semgrep now supports ellipsis in generics, for example: class Foo<...> (#4335)



    When you use Semgrep to search for patterns that do not specify generics, Semgrep now also matches classes that are using generics. For example: class $X {...} which is not specifying generics, now matches class Foo<T> { }. (#4335)


    Semgrep now correctly parses TypeScript type definitions. (#4330)


    Semgrep taint-mode now reports findings when the Left Hand Side (LHS) operand of an access operator is a sink (for example as in $SINK->method), and the LHS operand is a tainted variable. (#4320)


    Semgrep metavariable-comparison does not return a NotHandled error anymore. (#4328)


    Fix a segmentation fault on Apple M1 processors when using -filter_irrelevant_rules on rules with very large pattern-either fields. (#4305)


    Generate correct lexical exn for unbalanced braces. (#4310)


    Fix off-by-one error in location of arrays.



    Log messages are now tagged with the process id.

    Given --output Semgrep no longer prints search results to stdout

    When using --output parameter, Semgrep no longer prints findings to standard output (stdout), but it only saves or posts those findings to the specified file or URL.

    Additional information

    To view the original release information, see the changelog of this release on GitHub.

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