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45 docs tagged with "Team & Enterprise Tier"

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Alerts and notifications

Learn how to receive Slack or email alerts about findings and failures, how to receive merge or pull request comments in your CI/CD pipeline, or how to integrate using webhooks.

Apache Maven

Set up Semgrep Supply Chain to correctly detect packages in Maven.


This document links to Semgrep API documentation.


Send Semgrep findings to your Asana project.

Bitbucket PR comments

Enable PR comments in your Bitbucket repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

CI environment variables

Configure Semgrep in CI by setting various environment variables. Enable diff-aware scanning, connect to Semgrep Cloud Platform, and more.

CLI reference

Reference for the Semgrep command-line interface including options and exit code behavior.

CLI reference

Reference for the Semgrep command-line interface including options and exit code behavior.

Configuring GHES and GLSM

Integrate Semgrep into self-hosted and custom SCM tools such as GitHub Enterprise and GitLab Self Hosted.

Create an account

Create a Semgrep account and organization to prepare your deployment for the addition of repositories and team members.


Customize how Semgrep Supply Chain scans your codebase's open source dependencies.


The Dashboard is a summary view within Semgrep Cloud Platform to help security teams evaluate their organization's security posture.

Dependency search

Search through all your dependencies in all your onboarded repositories at any time.


Receive Semgrep findings via email.

GitHub PR comments

Enable pull request (PR) comments in your GitHub repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.

GitLab MR comments

Enable merge request (MR) comments in your GitLab repositories to display Semgrep findings to developers.


Glossary of terms related to software composition analysis and Semgrep Supply Chain.

Jenkins UI

Configure Jenkins to send the correct branch name to Semgrep Cloud Platform.


Send Semgrep findings to your Jira project.

License compliance

Semgrep Supply Chain can detect and list a package's license. Prevent or exempt certain packages from being used based on their licenses.


Send Semgrep findings to your Linear project.


Learn how Semgrep leverages its engine to scan open source dependencies with high-signal rules.

Sample CI configurations

View sample configuration files to run Semgrep with various CI/CD providers such as GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Buildkite, CircleCI, and more.

Semgrep Pro rules

A guide using to Semgrep Pro Rules: supported languages, vulnerabilities covered, and using Pro rules in Semgrep scans.


Receive Semgrep findings in your Slack workspaces.

Supported languages

Semgrep supports more than two dozen languages. Learn about generally available, beta, and experimentally supported languages.

Supported languages

Semgrep supports more than two dozen languages. Learn about generally available, beta, and experimentally supported languages.

Tagging projects

Guidelines on how to add or remove tags through Semgrep Cloud Platform and semgrepconfig.yml file.

Triage and remediation

Learn how about Semgrep Code's triage status for findings and how to triage and remediate findings.

Triage and remediation

Perform triage and remediation of dependency vulnerabilities through Semgrep Supply Chain.


Not seeing what you expect in Semgrep Cloud Platform? Follow these troubleshooting steps or find out how to get one-on-one help.

Troubleshooting Semgrep in CI

Get more information when Semgrep in CI hangs, crashes, times out, or runs too slow. Fix issues with GitLab SAST's Semgrep analyzer, such as jobs running slowly, not showing results, or returning errors.

Usage and billing

Learn about usage computation and other aspects of your Semgrep licenses.

User roles and access

Learn about roles, user management, and how to implement role-based access control in Semgrep Cloud Platform.

View findings

The Findings page allows users to view findings identified by Semgrep Code.


Create webhooks to receive Semgrep findings in your endpoints.

Write custom rules

Semgrep Editor is a powerful tool within Semgrep Cloud Platform to write rules and quickly apply these rules across an organization to enforce coding standards across an organization.